LEAF is a composting system for New York City. With drying and sanitizing technology integrated, LEAF composter turns compostable wastes into useful soil amendments.

With LEAF composter scattered across the city, residents can easily locate a composter through LEAF Mobile and discard their compostables in return for a pack of soil amendments.


NYC Composting System

Fall 2022


NYC Composting System

Fall 2022

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LEAF is a composting system for New York City. With drying and sanitizing technology integrated, LEAF composter turns compostable wastes into useful soil amendments.

With LEAF composter scattered across the city, residents can easily locate a composter through LEAF Mobile and discard their compostables in return for a pack of soil amendments.

is the amount of organic waste produced by New York City in pound per day


The 7 out of the 59 community districts that have access to compost collection service.

Manhattan Community District 6

Manhattan Community District 7

Brooklyn Community District 1

Brooklyn Community District 2

Brooklyn Community District 6

Brooklyn Community District 7

Bronx Community District 8

The majority of compostables are being mixed together with solid wastes and recyclables being left on the curbside of New York City.





Unlock gates and throw compostables into the gates.

Compostables drop into the tumblers. Refrigeration actives until a tumbler is filled up and composting begins.

After the composting process is finished, compost soil is being transferred to the storage.

Users can pick up their pack of compost amendment with their online token.

Composting Mechanism

Service area of Leaf

Manhattan Community District 2

Manhattan Community District 4

Queens Community District 2

Manhattan Community District 8

Manhattan Community District 9


Find a composter on your LEAF App

Unlock a composter by scanning the drop off QR code in your LEAF App

Pick up a compost amendment using the pick up QR code in your Leaf App
